Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2x4 Canoe Trailer Rack

night as always - Ulala)

cheered I'm here to go to Mummy Troll on the square. And I say that not in vain!) Alive is all very, very transcripts. Of course a form of institution and, accordingly, the public is not quite appropriate, but everything is fine with sound and speech itself. Yes it was a crush and a steam room, but we got used to it)) - dance everywhere. I like not a big fan of MT, but Ilya very charismatic - Yes, the Cheshire Cat smile and meowing voice, I have sometimes thought that I heard as a girl's heart beat softly around .. The setlist is very literate, new songs successfully diluted the old hits, which pleased the audience sings along (though I did a little did not have the "diamond" or "no star":)
"all ... it is no longer a secret and not secret
I get on you controlling "